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<path d="M11.2 13C14.735 13 17.6 10.0902 17.6 6.5C17.6 2.90977 14.735 0 11.2 0C7.665 0 4.8 2.90977 4.8 6.5C4.8 10.0902 7.665 13 11.2 13ZM15.68 14.625H14.845C13.735 15.143 12.5 15.4375 11.2 15.4375C9.89999 15.4375 8.67 15.143 7.555 14.625H6.72C3.01 14.625 0 17.682 0 21.45V23.5625C0 24.9082 1.075 26 2.4 26H20C21.325 26 22.4 24.9082 22.4 23.5625V21.45C22.4 17.682 19.39 14.625 15.68 14.625ZM31.83 8.10469L30.44 6.67773C30.21 6.43906 29.835 6.43906 29.6 6.67266L24.36 11.9539L22.085 9.62813C21.855 9.38945 21.48 9.38945 21.245 9.62305L19.84 11.0398C19.605 11.2734 19.605 11.6543 19.835 11.893L23.92 16.0723C24.15 16.3109 24.525 16.3109 24.76 16.0773L31.825 8.95781C32.055 8.71914 32.06 8.33828 31.83 8.10469Z" fill="#00D08E"/>
Workers’ Compensation
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<path d="M24.098 0.687422L24.3168 5.21391C23.0462 3.71505 21.4642 2.51123 19.6808 1.68632C17.8974 0.86141 15.9556 0.435239 13.9907 0.4375C7.36805 0.4375 1.85445 5.19094 0.672109 11.4745C0.654619 11.5692 0.658174 11.6666 0.682523 11.7597C0.706873 11.8529 0.751419 11.9395 0.813003 12.0135C0.874587 12.0875 0.9517 12.1471 1.03887 12.1879C1.12605 12.2288 1.22114 12.25 1.31742 12.25H3.99984C4.14772 12.2498 4.29121 12.1997 4.40704 12.1078C4.52288 12.0159 4.60428 11.8876 4.63805 11.7436C5.07551 9.92806 6.03195 8.2791 7.39066 6.99792C8.74938 5.71674 10.4516 4.85872 12.2897 4.52856C14.1278 4.1984 16.0222 4.41038 17.7419 5.13862C19.4615 5.86686 20.932 7.07989 21.974 8.62969L16.4254 8.36391C16.3366 8.35968 16.2479 8.37354 16.1647 8.40462C16.0814 8.43571 16.0053 8.48337 15.9411 8.54474C15.8768 8.6061 15.8256 8.67988 15.7907 8.76161C15.7558 8.84333 15.7379 8.93129 15.738 9.02016V11.6129C15.738 11.7869 15.8071 11.9539 15.9302 12.0769C16.0532 12.2 16.2202 12.2691 16.3942 12.2691H27.3438C27.5178 12.2691 27.6847 12.2 27.8078 12.0769C27.9309 11.9539 28 11.7869 28 11.6129V0.65625C28 0.482202 27.9309 0.315282 27.8078 0.192211C27.6847 0.0691404 27.5178 0 27.3438 0L24.7532 0C24.6644 4.77518e-05 24.5766 0.0181068 24.495 0.0530843C24.4134 0.0880618 24.3398 0.13923 24.2785 0.203494C24.2173 0.267757 24.1697 0.343779 24.1387 0.426959C24.1076 0.510139 24.0938 0.598747 24.098 0.687422ZM13.9907 23.625C12.4127 23.6264 10.8587 23.2389 9.46611 22.4968C8.07351 21.7547 6.88522 20.6809 6.00633 19.3703L11.5735 19.6366C11.6623 19.6409 11.751 19.627 11.8342 19.5959C11.9175 19.5648 11.9936 19.5172 12.0578 19.4558C12.1221 19.3944 12.1733 19.3207 12.2082 19.2389C12.2431 19.1572 12.261 19.0693 12.2609 18.9804V16.3882C12.2609 16.2142 12.1918 16.0472 12.0687 15.9242C11.9457 15.8011 11.7787 15.732 11.6047 15.732H0.65625C0.482202 15.732 0.315282 15.8011 0.192211 15.9242C0.0691404 16.0472 0 16.2142 0 16.3882L0 27.3438C0 27.5178 0.0691404 27.6847 0.192211 27.8078C0.315282 27.9309 0.482202 28 0.65625 28H3.2457C3.33472 28.0001 3.42282 27.9821 3.50466 27.9471C3.58649 27.9121 3.66035 27.8608 3.72174 27.7963C3.78313 27.7319 3.83076 27.6556 3.86174 27.5722C3.89272 27.4887 3.9064 27.3998 3.90195 27.3109L3.675 22.7954C4.94534 24.2912 6.52614 25.4924 8.30755 26.3157C10.089 27.1389 12.0283 27.5644 13.9907 27.5625C20.6139 27.5625 26.1275 22.8091 27.3098 16.5255C27.3273 16.4308 27.3238 16.3334 27.2994 16.2403C27.2751 16.1471 27.2305 16.0605 27.1689 15.9865C27.1074 15.9125 27.0303 15.8529 26.9431 15.8121C26.8559 15.7712 26.7608 15.75 26.6645 15.75H23.9821C23.8342 15.7502 23.6907 15.8003 23.5749 15.8922C23.4591 15.9841 23.3777 16.1124 23.3439 16.2564C22.8388 18.3566 21.6415 20.2255 19.9448 21.5622C18.248 22.8989 16.1507 23.6256 13.9907 23.625Z" fill="#00D08E"/>
Auto Liability
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General Liability
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<path d="M30.9668 3.16668C29.4918 1.6891 27.5581 0.757149 25.4834 0.523933C23.4087 0.290717 21.3164 0.770107 19.5501 1.88334L23.2501 5.65001C23.398 5.81359 23.5118 6.00487 23.5852 6.21277C23.6586 6.42067 23.69 6.64106 23.6776 6.86118C23.6652 7.0813 23.6092 7.29677 23.513 7.49512C23.4167 7.69346 23.2821 7.87074 23.1168 8.01668C22.8087 8.28846 22.411 8.43684 22.0001 8.43334C21.7648 8.43514 21.5317 8.38705 21.3162 8.29225C21.1008 8.19745 20.9078 8.05809 20.7501 7.88334L16.0501 3.16668C15.3762 2.49331 14.5999 1.9308 13.7501 1.50001C12.0164 0.611826 10.0462 0.294731 8.12132 0.594087C6.19646 0.893444 4.41558 1.79391 3.03347 3.16668C1.30397 5.1798 0.353027 7.74599 0.353027 10.4C0.353027 13.054 1.30397 15.6202 3.03347 17.6333C6.13347 20.9667 13.6668 28.6833 17.0501 28.6833C19.6835 28.6833 24.8501 24 28.4335 20.35C29.3335 19.45 30.1001 18.6833 30.7668 17.9333L31.0168 17.6667C32.7483 15.6453 33.6958 13.069 33.6866 10.4074C33.6774 7.74579 32.7122 5.1761 30.9668 3.16668ZM20.3335 17.5H18.6668V19.1667C18.6668 19.6087 18.4912 20.0326 18.1787 20.3452C17.8661 20.6577 17.4422 20.8333 17.0001 20.8333C16.5581 20.8333 16.1342 20.6577 15.8216 20.3452C15.5091 20.0326 15.3335 19.6087 15.3335 19.1667V17.5H13.6668C13.2248 17.5 12.8009 17.3244 12.4883 17.0119C12.1757 16.6993 12.0001 16.2754 12.0001 15.8333C12.0001 15.3913 12.1757 14.9674 12.4883 14.6548C12.8009 14.3423 13.2248 14.1667 13.6668 14.1667H15.3335V12.5C15.3335 12.058 15.5091 11.6341 15.8216 11.3215C16.1342 11.0089 16.5581 10.8333 17.0001 10.8333C17.4422 10.8333 17.8661 11.0089 18.1787 11.3215C18.4912 11.6341 18.6668 12.058 18.6668 12.5V14.1667H20.3335C20.7755 14.1667 21.1994 14.3423 21.512 14.6548C21.8245 14.9674 22.0001 15.3913 22.0001 15.8333C22.0001 16.2754 21.8245 16.6993 21.512 17.0119C21.1994 17.3244 20.7755 17.5 20.3335 17.5Z" fill="#00D08E"/>
Life Underwriting
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<path d="M9.37522 10.3121H13.1251V14.0619C13.1251 14.3106 13.2238 14.549 13.3996 14.7248C13.5755 14.9006 13.8139 14.9994 14.0625 14.9994H17.8124C18.061 14.9994 18.2995 14.9006 18.4753 14.7248C18.6511 14.549 18.7499 14.3106 18.7499 14.0619V10.3121H22.4997C22.7483 10.3121 22.9868 10.2133 23.1626 10.0375C23.3384 9.86171 23.4372 9.62326 23.4372 9.37463V5.62478C23.4372 5.37615 23.3384 5.1377 23.1626 4.96189C22.9868 4.78609 22.7483 4.68732 22.4997 4.68732H18.7499V0.937463C18.7499 0.688833 18.6511 0.450385 18.4753 0.274577C18.2995 0.0987682 18.061 0 17.8124 0H14.0625C13.8139 0 13.5755 0.0987682 13.3996 0.274577C13.2238 0.450385 13.1251 0.688833 13.1251 0.937463V4.68732H9.37522C9.12659 4.68732 8.88814 4.78609 8.71233 4.96189C8.53652 5.1377 8.43776 5.37615 8.43776 5.62478V9.37463C8.43776 9.62326 8.53652 9.86171 8.71233 10.0375C8.88814 10.2133 9.12659 10.3121 9.37522 10.3121ZM33.2917 19.7049C33.1095 19.4566 32.8801 19.2467 32.6166 19.0872C32.3531 18.9278 32.0608 18.822 31.7563 18.7759C31.4518 18.7298 31.1412 18.7443 30.8423 18.8185C30.5434 18.8928 30.2622 19.0254 30.0146 19.2086L23.003 24.3752H15.9363C15.6877 24.3752 15.4492 24.2765 15.2734 24.1006C15.0976 23.9248 14.9988 23.6864 14.9988 23.4378C14.9988 23.1891 15.0976 22.9507 15.2734 22.7749C15.4492 22.5991 15.6877 22.5003 15.9363 22.5003H20.5205C21.458 22.5003 22.3222 21.8634 22.4757 20.9412C22.521 20.6719 22.5071 20.3959 22.4348 20.1326C22.3626 19.8692 22.2338 19.6248 22.0574 19.4163C21.8811 19.2078 21.6614 19.0403 21.4136 18.9254C21.1659 18.8105 20.8961 18.751 20.623 18.751H11.2484C9.66728 18.7507 8.13407 19.2937 6.90559 20.2891L4.18109 22.5003H0.937463C0.689354 22.502 0.451886 22.6013 0.276443 22.7767C0.100999 22.9522 0.0016884 23.1896 0 23.4378V29.0625C0.0016884 29.3106 0.100999 29.5481 0.276443 29.7236C0.451886 29.899 0.689354 29.9983 0.937463 30H21.2687C22.5691 29.9969 23.8349 29.581 24.8838 28.8123L32.7954 22.9784C33.2947 22.6097 33.6274 22.058 33.7205 21.4443C33.8135 20.8306 33.6593 20.205 33.2917 19.7049Z" fill="#00D08E"/>
Voluntary Benefits
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<path d="M23.9089 4.57553C22.1214 4.38533 20.3622 3.9877 18.6667 3.39068C17.1107 2.84094 15.6183 2.12591 14.2148 1.25786C13.8486 1.03557 13.4284 0.91803 13 0.91803C12.5716 0.91803 12.1514 1.03557 11.7852 1.25786L11.7838 1.2592C10.3807 2.12654 8.88867 2.84111 7.33333 3.39068C5.63824 3.98757 3.87946 4.38521 2.09245 4.57557C1.51842 4.63435 0.986632 4.90407 0.600069 5.33248C0.213506 5.76089 -0.000320276 6.31751 3.60077e-07 6.89454V13.8216C0.000939149 16.3774 0.684899 18.8866 1.98109 21.0893C3.27728 23.2921 5.1386 25.1084 7.3724 26.3503L11.8659 28.8476C12.2119 29.0422 12.6023 29.1445 12.9993 29.1445C13.3964 29.1445 13.7867 29.0422 14.1328 28.8476L18.6276 26.3503C20.8614 25.1084 22.7227 23.2921 24.0189 21.0893C25.3151 18.8866 25.9991 16.3774 26 13.8216V6.89454C26.0004 6.3177 25.7868 5.76123 25.4005 5.33284C25.0142 4.90444 24.4827 4.6346 23.9089 4.57553ZM18.306 12.5782L13.306 17.9115C13.0686 18.1653 12.7413 18.3162 12.3942 18.332C12.047 18.3478 11.7074 18.2273 11.4479 17.9962L8.44792 15.3295C8.18374 15.0947 8.02366 14.7645 8.00291 14.4117C7.98215 14.0588 8.10241 13.7122 8.33724 13.448C8.57207 13.1838 8.90222 13.0237 9.25507 13.003C9.60792 12.9822 9.95457 13.1025 10.2187 13.3373L12.2487 15.1407L16.3607 10.7553C16.4855 10.6224 16.6361 10.5164 16.8034 10.4438C16.9707 10.3712 17.151 10.3336 17.3333 10.3333C17.5933 10.3335 17.8475 10.4096 18.0647 10.5523C18.282 10.695 18.4528 10.8981 18.5561 11.1366C18.6595 11.3751 18.6909 11.6386 18.6464 11.8947C18.602 12.1509 18.4837 12.3885 18.306 12.5782Z" fill="#00D08E"/>
Total and Permanent Disability